Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Letting People Be

This has been a theme for me over the past few months and a theme for people I am close to as well.

It can be hard to let people be who they are. We sometimes do know a better way, a better option but others don't see it or just don't want to make the shift to incorporate it in their lives. They just won't do it. And it really is their choice. They have the same free will we have and the ability to pick and choose their actions and in-actions as they so please.

We get frustrated because we also have made a choice that we don't want to give in on. The way we want things to be done may seem like commonsense to us - it may seem like commonsense to many, but this one person just won't do it that way. In that moment, we want to take away their ability to choose for themselves. We why they just won't do what we say. We feel that everything would just be better if they would do things the way we have told them.

Our arrogance is the source of our frustration. You can only get stuck between a rock and a hard place when you ARE a rock and a hard place. It's our stubbornness that has us facing off with folks mentally and complaining about their choices - especially when there choices effect us.

So what do we do? How to we handle the situation? Peace comes in understanding that this person has the right and privilege (and free-will) to make a decision - even one I don't agree with. Peace comes in letting this person experience the consequences of their choice for themselves. Peace comes in being flexible, malleable. Peace comes from working within or around the choices of the person(s) you are dealing with. Peace comes in understanding that the only person any of use can control or change is ourselves.

Look at water in a river, it is constantly moving toward it's destination. It flows through, around and above anything in it's way - and even if you were to create a dam, it would rise above it or the pressure would build until the dam breaks (that's why some water has to be let through a dam so there is no overflow and so the dam won't break due to the build up of water pressure). Water opposes nothing, it literally goes with the flow.

Take a lesson from water and go with the flow. You don't want to be frustrated by other people, don't expect them to do or be anything but who they have shown you they are. If you don't like it, choose not to deal with that person. If you are in a situation where you have to deal with a person, rise above their negativity and instead of looking for ways to counter their opposition, look for opportunities to work with this person. When negative energy isn't returned, it diffuses and when it does you will find people so much easier to work with. But by this time you will also know ways to work with or around this person to accomplish the same goals.

Bottom line - you hate it when someone tells you what to do or tries to force their way on you. Generally that behavior makes you want to dig in your heels more. Just don't do to others what you DON'T want to be done to you. Respect their choices and their right to make those choices and find a way, with or without that person to reach whatever end you have in mind.

"When you express your beliefs openly and gently, others will sense your respect for their beliefs, even though they may differ from your own, and be more apt to listen to your thoughts and feelings." (DailyOM.com) And they may even do things your way if they don't feel you are trying to force them into it.

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