Thursday, July 7, 2011

It's My Body and I'll Get Slim If I Want To!

Our bodies have such an impact on our thought process about ourselves. Actually, being the only visible aspect of who we are, it has the most impact on what we think about ourselves and, of course, is the first thing people see about us.  And who among us didn't or doesn't have a thought "I wonder what he/she thinks about how I look?"

Last night I was on a phone call with someone I haven't seen in a while.  I was talking to him about how I've lost weight and about me going to the gym three times a week. He then asked me if I was trying to change my body.  I inferred from his tone and the following conversation that his impression was that I was loosing weight to make myself more attractive to and appreciated by others if my body type was different.  He suggested that three days a week was a lot of time to spend in the gym.  And in the end, it seemed as if I was being told that I should just settle with the body type I am currently in and not aim for something different.

In some ways I agree.  No matter what, there does come a necessity for us to learn to love and appreciate ourselves where we are in our process. If we have some extra pounds, we have to know that we are still beautiful and attractive individuals, inside and out.  We have to understand that God didn't create us all to be the same height, weight, color, religious affiliation or even sexual orientation.  And it is this mix of endless differences that makes the world so colorful, vibrant, interesting and exciting.  We get to interact with all the differences and decide for ourselves how we want to live our lives and each person will choose something a little different to everyone else.  And weight is a part of the mix of interesting things we get to live and experience.  So yes, we must appreciate the body that we are in now whether we want to lose weight or gain weight or not change at all.

Yet even in our learning to appreciate ourselves, we still have to interact with others in a world where we are taught to take heed of what other people think of us.  And even those of us who decide not to "give a fcuk," can't totally negate the impact that another person's thought's have on us.  And since the first thing people notice about us is our body, it goes without saying that apart of our desire to change our body shape comes from how we are accepted/rejected by those around us. And those of us who experience live in larger physiques are more profoundly affected by the thoughts of society at large about our size.  And while we may come to love ourselves and our physiques, we still are affected by the way people look at us or the way we THINK people look at us.

My answer to him was this: I've experienced life as a fat boy.  I've learned a lot from it and with all my struggles with weight, I wouldn't change a bit of that time.  Many of the lessons I've learned about life came from dealing with my weight journey.  Now I want to experience life with a smaller body, one with definition and added strength.  One that makes a larger part of the population stop and take a second or third appreciative look.  I want to feel better about how I think the world looks at me.

And there is nothing wrong with that being my motivation. Yes, I want to have a picture of my body reblogged endlessly on Tumblr.  Yes I want people in the club or at the beach to see my body before they get to know my heart and mind.  Of course I have been through enough to understand what criteria I use to pick the people I want to date, but there is nothing wrong with enjoying the appreciation that comes from others about how you look.

Now at the end of the day, none of us should be looking at the appreciation of others as the building block for our appreciation of ourselves.  Self-love and self-respect remain of primary importance.  We have to know our own worth, talents and abilities and appreciate ourselves despite our mistakes or perceived short-comings. We each have to be able to look in the mirror and love what we see reflected back to us.  We have to know that we were created 'good enough' and no situation or circumstance can take away our status before God as 'good enough.' We don't have to be thinner, thicker, taller, shorter, have a big house, forsake all worldly possessions in order for the Divine to accept us, love us and continually give us the desires of our heart.  We just have to recognize our innate worthiness and walk in pride no matter what our outer circumstances look like.  And when we have that knowledge imbedded deep within, every appreciative glance, every flirt, every pound loss by someone larger or pound gained by someone smaller, every piece of clothing that fits exactly like we want it to fit is that much sweeter as we experience it. 

There are a myriad of things to sift through in life.  Each and every situation and interaction, good or bad, inspires in us a desire for an experience that we believe will make us happier. And as we experience the things that make us happier, our belief in our worthiness is strengthened as we are faced with the next set of experiences to sift through to determine what we want next in life.

If you are struggling with weight,
  1. know that the new body you want to be in is the same body that God wants to see you in - Why? Because God loves you enough to give you the desires of your heart. 
  2. know that the body you have isn't what's holding you back, it's your thoughts about yourself and ultimately your body that's holding you back.  Appreciate yourself daily- you talents and gifts as well as the parts of your body you do love. Celebrate yourself and your successes
  3. have fun with it. Remember your desire here is to be happier and more fulfilled, the change in body type is just a reflection of that. Do things that are fun and active. Join others doing similar things.  You will make new friends and strengthen friendships you already have and as your focus is on the fun more than the weight, the weight will fall off naturally.
  4. appreciate those who appreciate you. As I've become more comfortable in my own skin I can now see the people around me who love me for who I am.  I don't have to change for them, but with me they celebrate my success and encourage me to follow the direction of my bliss/happiness.
These are just a few things I've picked up on my journey.  And I am going to continue to move in the direction of a smaller body type (though I'm always gonna be thick in the right places *wink*) And I'm going to love getting more and more cat calls, whistles, and dates as I move closer to my goal.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

You Gotta Let It All Go

I went to see this very interesting play this past weekend called "Booty Candy."  First of all, if you ever get a chance to see this play, you owe it to yourself to check it out.  There was one scene in the play that stood out to me more than the others.  It was a scene about an un-commitment ceremony.  In the scene a lesbian couple was essentially getting a divorce. The scene was funny because the two women really hated each other and they were pledging to continue to hate each other for as long as they both shall live. But the scene brought up something very interesting for me: Do we really let go when we break up?

Relationships (straight/gay, romantic/platonic) connect us to people spiritually.  It's as if there is a cord that connects me to you and you to me and there is a transfer of energy that happens between the people in that relationship.  The closer we get to a person, the thicker the cord. And while we have ceremonial ways of initiating relationships like handshakes, hugs, exchanging gifts, making promises, exchanging rings and having sex; do we have ways of ceremonially disconnecting from people when they are no longer a part of our lives?

I think that it's important for us to ceremonially disconnect from people who are not in our lives anymore; past friends and lovers as well as one night stands.  For me, this process includes throwing away mementos, pictures and other reminders of what used to be. Also a visualization process where I see myself disconnecting these cords, releasing myself from these people and working through any disappointment that lingers because of the ending of these relationships.  Some people refer to these things as the emotional baggage we carry - some of it is attached to the physical representations of past relationships that we hold on to. As we let these things go, we are also letting these people go and we are opening ourselves up to the relationships that are more suited for who we are now to come into our lives.

What you are holding on to could be holding you back from the blessings that are lined up for you.  It's like you've chained yourself in place and you can't move freely into what God has for you next.  So I encourage you to break the chains by releasing the attachments you have with ex's and past friends. Sell jewelry, donate clothes, throw away letters/cards/pictures.  Even if they bring back good memories, holding on to that past is keeping you from a better future.

Letting go of these things also helps break patterns of attraction.  Do you find that you keep meeting similar types of people? Cut ties to those from your past who were like that and claim the new experience with the type of person you want to be involved with now.  And that's the second part, welcome the new experiences. Be excited that now that these old cords have been cut, new relationships are coming into your life.  Rejoice that now you know the people you meet will be more beneficial to you.

People come into your life for a reason.  They come to help you learn more about who you are and what you want out of life.  They are supposed to stay till that has been accomplished.  For folks who inspire growth in one another and both allow their lives to follow the path of that growth, it could be a long interaction with both parties growing to new levels and inspiring more growth in each other.  But when it's time for folks to leave, even that is inspiring growth but you can't experience that growth without being willing to let them go so you both can grow into the new people that are meant to come into your lives.

Go ahead and cry, mourn the ending of the relationships. Cry out the hurt and disappointment. Like rain clears pollen from the sky, tears clear the residue of these ended and ending relationships from your heart, waters the seeds of desire for new relationships, and is the catalyst for the growth of these new experiences. Letting go of the mementos from the past is like lifting anchor so that you can set sail in a new direction instead of going in circles.  See how quickly your life will shift.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Asking for your assistance

We have been taught that we have not, because we don't ask. We don't ask our families. We don't ask our friends. We don't even ask God. Even though it is promised that our asking, seeking and knocking shall be rewarded.

"Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened." Matthew 7:7-8.

We often think that our asking is a sign of weakness and dependence when we are taught to be strong and stand on our own. But do you realize that it is impossible to do much of anything completely on your own.

Think about it; to have a place to live, have a way to get around, get your job done, put clothes on your back, have food to eat – it all takes other people input and assistance. Our progress individually and corporately is all because of the progress of those who came before us, and it is those who are coming after us who will elevate our contributions to the next level.

We are created to be inter-dependent. There is something you have that will help me, and there is something I have that can help you. And this give and take/sharing of resources makes the world go around. We are like pieces of the puzzle of life. We are all necessary components to the whole of life. There is something you bring into the world that no one else can bring in the way you will bring it. God intended each of us to be here and for each of us to share our uniqueness with each other.

So I am going to surrender to the inter-dependent nature of our world as I look to move forward towards the life of my dream. I am going to ask you to contribute to my progress and to the achievement of my goals.

I’m just asking for $1, a prayer/wish for my success and that you’d pass this on as you feel led. That’s it. And what will that $1 go towards? Well let me tell you a bit about me.

My life has been a journey of learning to love myself, listen to my inner wisdom, live authentically & find and follow my passion/purpose. And I feel it is my purpose to help others do the same. I am a seeker of truth and constantly looking to grow and expand in my life. And I get so much joy helping others do the same. As a Transformational Life Coach, I have been able to help many people turn their lives and relationships around by teaching them the very things that I have learned – to love themselves, listen to their inner wisdom, live authentically and to find & follow their passion/purpose. But I’d love to do so much more and this is how your $1 will help.

I want to be free of my 9-5 to launch full time into a life of helping others transform their lives. Having the responsibilities of a day job make it difficult to have time to write, develop personal & spiritual development programming and have time to travel for speaking engagements. It also means there is little time for me to take part in things that will help me improve at my craft like personal & professional developments seminars, writing & speaking workshops and sabbaticals for meditation and further self discovery. Your $1, or more if you feel led, can help me do all these things and more!

Just $1 from you is helping me have the freedom to help others. Those who want to live shamelessly. Those who want to know how to stand in their power. Those who want to understand the fundamental laws of the universe and how to apply them. Those who want to know the reality of who they are as children of God and joint heirs with Christ. Those who want to rise above despair and powerlessness and create the life they’ve only dreamed of. And I know I can help them change their lives, because I have changed mine! You will be helping me have a broader reach and bigger impact. This is what I am here to do and I am depending on you to help me.

We are all in this together!

I want to thank you for even stopping by and reading this. Thank you for considering what I am asking, and if you decide not to give, I thank you for saying a prayer that I will be successful in my venture. Just your participation in this venture is a part of the puzzle of my experience. I appreciate you and send you love and wishes for a spectacular life.

And I encourage you to reach out to those in your life as well for assistance achieving your dreams. Whether you ask them for money, support, encouragement, or anything else, allow them to be the blessing to you that God intended them to be.

You will be amazed at the results!

So go to and contribute to my greatness as I help others achieve theirs.

I love you and thank you!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Get Into It and Get Your Life Episode 17 3/2/2011 - J Braggs and D Moore | Internet Radio | Blog Talk Radio

This Episode is about SEX. What does God think of Sex? What is the purpose of Sex? What is the difference between Sex and Intimacy? Why infidelity often ends relationships and destroys trust?

These were the questions we answered... take a listen and GET YOUR LIFE!

Get Into It and Get Your Life Episode 17 3/2/2011 - J Braggs and D Moore | Internet Radio | Blog Talk Radio